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Contactar con Ventas

Eleiko España

Mostrar Gimnasio y Oficina de Ventas
Conjunto Centro Comercial Plaza, Locales 2 y 3
ES-29669 Marbella

Conéctate con tu equipo local

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Consulta de diseño

Nuestro equipo de diseño de productos e instalaciones tiene las herramientas y la experiencia para desarrollar un diseño adaptado a tus necesidades específicas, maximizando tu espacio para crear la mejor experiencia de levantamiento para tus atletas y miembros.

Warehouse HQ

Oficinas Eleiko

Conéctate con una de nuestras oficinas en toda Europa y Estados Unidos.

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Eleiko Internacional

Klastorpsvägen 18
SE-30262 Halmstad

+46 35 17 70 70

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Eleiko Estados Unidos

3910 S. Industrial Drive
Austin, Texas 78744

+1 (866) 447-9441

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Eleiko Alemania

Bayernring 51
DE-91567 Herrieden

+49 (0) 9825 7839390


Eleiko Reino Unido

85 Great Portland Street, First Floor
London, W1W 7LT

+44 20 3370 4204


Eleiko Noruega

Årvollskogen 90
NO-1529 MOSS

+47 22 44 11 22


Eleiko Finlandia

Klastorpsvägen 18
SE-30262 Halmstad

+358 400 179 205

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Eleiko Benelux

Klastorpsvägen 18
SE-30262 Halmstad



Eleiko Francia

30 rue Godot de Mauroy
FR-75009 Paris

+33 7 50 57 97 10

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Eleiko España

Mostrar Gimnasio y Oficina de Ventas
Conjunto Centro Comercial Plaza, Locales 2 y 3
ES-29669 Marbella

+34 606 300 084



Además de nuestras oficinas directas, también tenemos una red global de distribuidores.


Croatia — Dumbbell d.o.o

Pawel Ryszka +385957209603 info@oprema.fit / https://oprema.fit VII. JUŽNA OBALA , 10020 Zagreb

Cyprus — Lazaros Josephides

Lazaros Josephides + 35796287070 laz_7_@hotmail.com 6 Aithras Kato Polemidia, 4150 Limassol

Czech Republic — A1 SOLUTION, s.r.o.

Ales Bubnik, + 420 777 003333 bubnik@a1solution.cz / www.eleiko.cz Macharova 349, 27601, Melnik

Estonia — Gfitness (G Kolizejs SIA)

Gints Kuznecovs, +371 67994044 info@gfitness.lv / www.gfitness.lv Brivibas gatve 439, 1024, Riga

Greece — Shop and Trade S.A.

Athanasios Tsotsos, +30 210 3408400 athanasios.tsotsos@shopandtrade.gr / www.shopandtrade.gr 222 Piraeus st. Tavros, 17778, Athens


Mikhail Chkhaidze, +995597450606 mikhail@fitsolutions.ge David Kipiani 2 , 0112 Tbilisi

Hungary — Mens Mentis Hungary Kft.

Romeo Balog, +36 1 443 3333 sales@mensmentisgroup.com / www.fitness-shop.hu str Szacsvay nr 4B 4110, Biharkeresztes

Latvia — Gfitness (G Kolizejs SIA)

Gints Kuznecovs, +371 67994044 info@gfitness.lv / www.gfitness.lv Brivibas gatve 439, 1024, Riga

Lithuania — Gfitness (G Kolizejs SIA)

Gints Kuznecovs, +371 67994044 info@gfitness.lv / www.gfitness.lv Brivibas gatve 439, 1024, Riga

Malta — Madletiks Ltd

Mauro Gasan, +35679334479 mauro@madletiks.com Vjal il-Helsien , ZBG2076 Haz-Zebbug

Poland — New Level Sport

Natalia Rarog, +48 572 021 191 natalia@newlevelsport.pl / newlevelsport.pl ul. Kapitanska 45A , 81-249 Gdynia

Poland — Xfitnes sp. z o.o.

(exclusive for governmental inquiries) Sebastian Churas. +48 602 294 284 biuro@xfitnes.pl / www.xfitnes.pl Gryczana 9, 45234 OPOLE

Romania — Mens Mentis SRL

Romeo Balog, +40 359 444 443 sales@mensmentisgroup.com / www.fitness-shop.ro Str. Ep. Mihai Pavel nr 23 ap 3, 410210, Oradea Bihor

Serbia — DD Wellness Solutions

Daniel Ivankovic, +381 11 314 8717 / +381 62 216 414 office@ddwellnesssolutions.com / office@precor.rs / www.ddwellnesssolutions.com Bul. Zorana Đinđića 123Đ lokal 3, 11070, Beograd

Slovenia — Be Great D.O.O

Matjaž Belšak, +386 40 369 179 info@begreat.si / https://begreat.si SENIČICA 15B, SENIČICA , 1215 Medvode

Ukraine — Iron Fitness LLC/Inter Atletika

Oleksandr Kuchera, 390,952,738,154 import@interatletika.com / prof@interatletika.com / https://prof.interatletika.ua/ 48 Melnikova St, 04119, Kiev


South Africa — Evolve Health and Fitness

Theo Beyers, +27 21 891 2236 info@evolvefitness.co.za / www.evolvefitness.co.za Unit 6, The Pearl, Zandwyk Park, R101-Old Paarl Road, 7646, Paarl


Bahrain — Wellness First Middle East Sport Equipment Trading LLC

Ahmed Shiro, +966543703543 info@wellnessfirstme.com / wellnessfirstme.com Office 19, PBC, Tower B, Prince Sultan 6723, Jeddah, 23431, KSA

Hong Kong S.A.R. — Iron Zone

Angel Chan, +852 51964909 ironzonehk@gmail.com / https://ironzonehk.store/ Room 505-506, Block B, Wing Kut Industrial Building, 608 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong

India — Swatantra Stores, Sport Spec.

Rakesh Walia, +91 175 5003200 / +91 98140 82569 swatantrastores.pta@gmail.com / rakesh@swatantraindia.com / www.swatantraindia.com Sheranwala Gate, 147001, Patiala

Indonesia — PT Orindo Prima

Anil Gill, +6221 42885413 ag@orindoprima.com / www.orindoprima.id Ruko Cempaka Mas, Blok J No.56, Jalan Let Jend Suprapto, 10640, Jakarta

Israel — SAL Sport Israel Ltd

Kobi David Pour, +972(0)543134306 / +972(0)39502302 kobi@salsport.com / info@salsport.com / www.salsport.com 6/108 Noah Mozes, 7565235, Rishon Lezion

Japan - Power Flash

Teruyuki Ogata +819064704264 customer@powerflash.co.jp / www.powerflash.co.jp 1060-3, Haneo, Namegawa-machi Hiki-gun, 3550811 Saitama

Japan — Three White (MBC)

Ryoji Kono +81 052-890-3489 shopmaster@mbcpower.jp / www.mbcpower.jp 4-1307 Nakahira Tempaku-ku , 4680014 Nagoya shi

Malaysia — Zealfit Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Azmir Zainuddin, +60122000361 azmir@zealfit.com.my / www.zealfit.com.my 2A-G Jalan Delta U6/19, 2A-G Jalan Delta U6/19, Sunway Subang Business Park, 40150, Shah Alam


Mohamed Aiman, +9607830303 aiman@prehabmaldives.com / prehabmaldives.com MA.FAVOURITE , 20194 MALE

Oman — Wellness First Middle East Sport Equipment Trading LLC

Faez Abdulahad, +97148862212 faez@wellnessfirstme.com / wellnessfirstme.com Floor 38, Media One Hotel, UAE Dubai

People's Republic of China — Active Lifestyle (China) Ltd

Andrei Zhang, 18521720215 andrei@active.cn / www.active.cn Room 3307-3310 Kerry Everbright City Tower One, No. 218 Tianmu xi Road, Jingan District 200042 Shanghai, China

Philippines — Tradezilla Corporation (TheRack.Co)

Ken Tan, +63 917 792 5823 / +63 923 445 0140 ken.tan@therack.co / assistance@therack.co / www.therack.co Level A Space 1, FMF Business Center, 126 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City 1550

Qatar — Force Sports International

Luan Jones, +97477985331 luan@forcesportsintl.com / www.forcesportsintl.com 4th Floor Al Mana Twin Towers Building, C-ring Road PO Box 9430, 00000, Doha

Saudi Arabia — Thulathi International Development Company

Sayeda Hiba, +966551667667 s.hiba@thulathi.com / thulathi.com 8206, Maqsood Khoja Street, Ar-Rowdah, 23145, Jeddah

Saudi Arabia — Wellness First Middle East Sport Equipment Trading LLC

Ahmed Shiro, +966543703543 info@wellnessfirstme.com / wellnessfirstme.com Office 19, PBC, Tower B, Prince Sultan 6723, Jeddah, 23431, KSA

Singapore — F1 Recreation

Muhammad Ikram Bin Kalil, +65 6846 7666 ikram@f1-recreation.com.sg / enquiries@f1-recreation.com.sg / https://f1-recreation.com.sg 20, Sin Ming Lane, #01-57/58/59 Midview City, 573968, Singapore

South Korea — Taein Spoment

Sangkyu Choi, +82 31 994-7908 / +82 10 6668-7909 taein@taeinspo.com / taeinspoment.co.kr 284 Dongguk-ro (Sik-dong), Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, 10317, Gyeonggi-do

Taiwan — Feng-Wan Enterprise Co. Ltd.

Lin Ming Hui +886978899589 max.lin.power@gmail.com No. 1176, Bade W. Rd., Renwu Dist., Kaohsiung City 814034, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Thailand — Saha Udomkit Co Ltd

Jay Chairat +66 818288465 sh_udomkit@yahoo.co.th 1021/68 Soi Petchkasem 106, Nong Kang Ploo, Nongkhaem, 10160 Bangkok


Gintare Kersyte, +971569041058 gintare.k@akigroup.com / www.akigroup.com Al Khayyat Investments Building Road B1, Behind Global Shipping Logistics Dubai Investment Park 4, 11245, Dubai

U.A.E. — Elite Athlete Middle East

Caleb Burgess, +971504248420 caleb@eliteathlete.ae / https://eliteathlete.ae/ 14 9b St Al Quoz Industrial Area 3 Building 1, Warehouse 2, Plot No. 368-0688, UAE Dubai

U.A.E. — Wellness First Middle East Sport Equipment Trading LLC

Faez Abdulahad, +97148862212 info@wellnessfirstme.com / wellnessfirstme.com Floor 38, Media One Hotel, UAE Dubai

Vietnam — Attivo International Co., Ltd

Dominic Long, +842435265999 dominiclong@attivointl.com / attivointl.com 3rd Floor, HQ Building, 193C3 Ba Trieu, Le Dai, Hanh Ward Hai Ba Trung District, 0000000, Hanoi


Australia — Novofit

Baz McDonald 04109 62148 info@novofit.com.au / novofit.com.au 3/2 Dunn Rd, CAN – 006064017, 2567 Smeaton Grange, NSW

New Zealand — Blue Fitness

Sam Bos +64 21 777 888 info@bluefitness.co.nz / www.bluefitness.co.nz 45A Normanby Rd Mt Eden, 1024 Auckland